(sigh) Theres A LOT to be done!... I had to take a break from working on my mixtape so I could get more into school.. That’s something u NEVER want to slack in but I do plan to have the mixtape out by the beginning of next year. Not sayin “January” But… Some time around it cause I’m doin hella things at once which are: School (I don’t want to mess up in this area because its So hard to bring urself back after u fall off), Designing (Trying to find a way to put that out there as much as I’m tryin to put my music out to balance my talents), & still remain social. This is mainly what the wait has been all about. Me trying to Keep myself balanced in all areas plus the beats & the features… (Feature Problems: Ppl that I’m working with on some of these tracks I’ve had to wait on… K which is Eff’N up my plans for the mixtape. & in this situation it makes me feel like I’m being too nice because if I wait too long I MIGHT just not have anything done by the time I planned on doin it… BUT I know if the tracks are complete with these artist they will be hits…. Idk I have a hella thinkin to do about that :/ ) (Beat Problems: I’m kinda alright in the beat area But I would just prefer alittle more beats of my own which would make my mixtape a mixtape/ original .. p;lus if it’s a song of my own it could get blown up & get on the radio & what not.)Well I plan on makin this mixtape hard tho I promise it’ll be out when I say so Shout out To my Unk “Shadowkat Nightson” Crutch’N me with this mixtape… thats all More news later YuRRp! –Baby Doc